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At the heart of our community of schools, is the belief that every child can achieve.



The SLP community of schools includes South Stanley Infant & Nursery School, Greenland Community Primary School, South Stanley Junior School, Bloemfontein Primary School, Annfield Plain Infant School, Annfield Plain Junior School, East Stanley School, Langley Park Primary School, Burnhope Primary School and Collierley Nursery & Primary School. Together, we are driven to provide the children within our trust with the best possible start to their educational adventure.


Every school in SLP is different.  We pride ourselves on retaining the individuality of our schools to ensure we meet the needs and wants of their families.  For information specific to each school please click on the relevant school badge. Each website will provide you with information such as exam and assessment results, performance tables, curriculum, Behaviour Policy & Anti-Bullying strategies, Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, Pupil & Sport Premium, Equality Objectives, and Local Governance.


Any of the information featured on this website is available in paper, braille or another language by contacting us on (01207) 266700.

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