Here at SLP we are continually looking to grow, be that in terms of pupils, staff or our community of schools. The opportunities we offer are boundless and we pride ourselves on being forward thinking and innovative in our approach to education and employment.

Our Schools
All of the schools within SLP follow the Local Authority Admissions Procedure.
For more information about applying for a primary place for September 2023, visit the Durham County Council website for information regarding the school admission process and primary school admissions.
This also includes:
An explanation of the process for applying for a school place, including important dates
The selection process
Over subscription criteria
Details of when offers of places will be communicated to parents
How applications can be made outside of the normal procedure and how they will be dealt with
The appeals timetable, including dates of when any waiting list will be held until following communication for offers of places.
For information concerning appeals against an admission decision, including when and how appeals will be heard, visit:
All Stanley Learning Partnership schools admission arrangements comply with The School Admissions Code and The School Admissions Appeal Code.
The School Admissions Appeal Code
Prospective parents are welcome to independently contact the school to which they are applying should you wish to view the facilities or meet the Head teacher.
Our Teaching Staff
SLP and the schools within it pride ourselves on having a highly experienced and inspirational workforce. Our teaching staff, many of whom are outstanding, bring with them a wealth of knowledge and expertise across all key stages enabling them to provide superb teaching for all ages and abilities. In doing so, we provide our children with the best standard of education possible.

Our support staff, both teaching and non-teaching, are equally as important to our children’s progress and happiness whilst at school. Experienced in their own specialism they are all highly valued by both peers and pupils and play an integral role in the smooth running of our schools.
Our centralised team work across all schools within the partnership. Working in very specialist roles including school improvement, business management, health & safety, finance and marketing this enables our Headteachers to focus on their school and its performance and progression.​